Master The Madness Of Medschool

“I passed! Thank you, Dr. Hunter! Test Wolf has redefined the way I test and the way I think about anxiety.”

Ashley | USMLE Step 1

About Test Wolf For

Medical Education & Licensure

With a focus on evidence-based strategies, Test Wolf helps medical students manage anxiety and optimize performance for USMLE and COMLEX exams. Our services empower students to challenge unhelpful thoughts, conquer single-patient vignette questions, and build test-taking resilience required to survive medical training.

How We Can Help


On-Demand Masterclass

Comprehensive resources, video modules, and guided study strategies available anytime

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Private Coaching

One-on-one coaching tailored to your specific challenges, emphasizing test-taking strategies, and helping you conquer performance anxiety, fears of failure, and imposter syndrome.

Schedule Free Coaching Consult

About Private Coaching


of Test Wolf private coaching clients who participate in 4 coaching sessions pass or exceed their performance goals.

Key Elements:



Behavioral observations and data-driven insights ensure your coaching engagement is tailored to your needs.



Partnership with a Test Wolf psychologists who understands not only anxiety, but also USMLE and COMLEX test development, the single-patient vignette format.



Guidance and recommendations to maximize the effectiveness of UWorld, Amboss, Sketchy, Anki, and other resources.



Articles, videos, and support materials to reinforce strategies.

I like that Dr. Hunter has a clear understanding of the tests we are facing. In previous experiences with psychologists, I ve felt that they do not know the terminology and I have to explain it to them, which does not make me feel supported.



I found the tips to be helpful, but I also found the encouragement from someone outside of the medical field in how much we have learned and accomplished so far was very validating and encouraging.


Praveen | USMLE

I didn’t realize that I was allowing my own fears about the future to really increase my anxiety about the exam. By going through the process of challenging all these “well what if I fail, I’ll never be successful” thoughts I was able to really decrease the anxiety with the exam itself by not allowing events out of my control to dictate my current state of mind. I can finally get my life back and that is in no small part to Dr. Hunter’s help!


Chris | USMLE

I appreciated the examples and the stepwise approach to individual test questions. Great to have actual tools to apply rather than just a motivational talk.



Empower Your Students

Schedule a consultation or request access to our recorded-webinar for medical school partners. Learn details about our approach, sample content, and get pricing details.

  • Join us for a free informational webinar for academic leaders and students success teams.
  • Contact us to explore potential partnership.